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The February issue included here are the stories and not the advertisements. Keep in mind, the stories here were written in 1996.  A lot has changed since that time.

This issue includes

Trails of the Ancient Ones! Impassible Hill!


Another of the many adventures of PASS PATROL


"Mommy, where did I come from?"  Obviously, that question has been on the minds of mankind since the first person stood up and said, "Here I stand, therefore, I am here."

According to a book titled Prehistoric Indians by Barnes and Pendleton, the Hopi Tribes believe Tawa created everything that is.

Another book titled Exploring Ancient Native America by David Hurst Thomas, quotes a popular Native American story which credits Tu-chai-pai for making the world.  That legend says, "Earth was the woman and sky was the man."  Sky came down upon Earth and everything else is history.

Archaeologists seem to believe mankind first existed in Africa.  According to their theory, those ancient humans began fanning out from Africa about 200,000 years ago. Some went northwest and some went northeast.  160,000 years passed before the ones going northwest settled in the part of Europe where Columbus was born.  190,000 years went by before the others reached Utah where this story is headed.  That theory is based on a trail of the Ancient Ones that entered North America during a time when glaciers had sucked up much of the world's oceans and exposed a land crossing between Siberia and Alaska.  From there, the Ancient Ones traveled South, continuing to live as hunters and gathers until they reached the four corners area of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico.  They seemed to like the area so well they began building homes, planting fields of grain, and living in communities.

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